Secretariat Department
At the Central States Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Certificate Request Form
What's The Mission Of The Secretariat?
The primary mission and ministry of the Secretariat department is to provide support to the employees and churches of the Central States Conference.
Supporting Roles
The preparation, recording and maintaining of:
- Executive Committee agenda and minutes
- Personnel Subcommittee agenda and minutes
- Conference Administrative Council minutes
- Association Board Committee minutes
supporting the Human Resources department WITH:
- Hiring
- Termination
- Benefits
- Employee mediation (with care, concern, & confidentiality)
- CSC Employee Handbook development
- Coordination of policy development and orientation

supporting the Conference Secretary WITH:
- Oversight of membership functions
- Membership records
- Statistical records
- Conference directory
- G.C. Yearbook
- Retirement processing
- Maintenance of employee service records
- Process employee licenses and credentials
- Church clerk training in eAdventist and other duties
supporting churches in the following ways:
- Officiating functions
- Preaching
- Organizing mission groups, companies, and churches
- Conference ministry and social functions
- Conflict management for churches, schools, and personnel when initial first-level resolution is unsuccessful
- Member of Crisis Management Team

supporting the Conference Office operations BY:
- Employee training and development
- Communication
- Grievance and advocacy process
- Regular meetings with hourly staff
- Office Socials
- Interface with legal counsel in representing the interests of Central States Conference and its constituents

Secretariat Department
Church Clerk Resources
What Does The Church Clerk Do?
The church clerk plays a vital role as the official church historian and custodian of its records, responsible for their preservation in a fire-resistant filing system. At the conclusion of their term, it is their duty to transfer these records to the newly elected clerk. All records and account books housed in the church offices are the property of the church and must be surrendered either at the term's end or upon the church's request within the term.
Contact Our Secretariat

Cryston Josiah
VP of Administration