What Is A Steward?
by Thurman C. Petty, Jr. NAD Stewardship Resources # 315010
What Is Stewardship?
Cliff1 graduated from pharmacy school and began working for a large drugstore chain on the west coast. He enjoyed working with customers, though counting pills and typing labels soon became boring.
One day the manager summoned him. “You’re a good worker,” he said. “I’m being transferred to a different store, and I recommended you as my replacement.”
Cliff accepted the promotion to store manager, and continued to work just as faithfully as he had as pharmacist. “One thing I keep uppermost in my mind,” he says: “What would the owners want me to do in this situation?’
Each of us has been promoted to manage a “store” for God. It may seem we’ve started at the bottom, and our work insignificant, but God will bless us if we labor faithfully.
The word “steward” means “manager.” Christians define a “steward” as one who recognizes that God - the Owner of everything - employs men and women as His managers.
God wants us to put Him first,2 and promises to provide for all our needs.3 We make His interests ours . . . He makes our interests His. God knows where our choices will lead, and wants to help us make wise decisions. As we daily depend on Him, He makes our “yoke” easy and our “burden light”.4
God’s Agents
God uses His stewards as His agents. A young widow with two children lost her job, and her landlord threatened eviction. A Christian from another city heard of her distress and came to
her aid.
“I don’t know how to thank you,” she said, wiping her eye.
“Don’t thank me,” he smiled. “Thank God. I’m just His agent.”
God may move us from place to place for His work’s benefit - and ours. And no matter who signs our paycheck, it ultimately comes from God’s treasury.
God takes a risk when He puts us in charge. We often use God’s funds selfishly, and we could let our possessions prevent us from doing God’s work.
A young couple received a call to mission service. Accepting the call meant selling their comfortable house, car, and furniture - during an economic recession. Without hesitation they sold - at a loss of $10,000. During the coming year they lost $7000 to runaway inflation in their country of service.
But when they returned, they found themselves debt free and with a sizable bank account - in better financial shape, in spite of the losses, than they’d ever been. They praised God!
God’s Treasures in Our Hands
Angels could care for Gods things better, and without any risk. But God wants to teach us generosity - the only way we can overcome selfishness. As we share Gods blessings with others, He sends us more. And by following His teachings, we reflect His character.
God gives us treasures - His grace, our time, talents, minds, bodies, and material possessions. He asks us to manage them for Him.
Time comes moment by moment and passes only once. Wise use of time includes study, prayer, caring for our family, and serving others.
God gives us talents - our “capital.” By combining time and talents we can do every activity of life. We increase our talents by using them.
Our bodies function by divine laws. Following them leads to health and happiness; ignoring them invites disease.5 God’s stewards eat and drink to His glory,6 usually enjoy good health,7 and clearer minds to understand His word.
As we manage God’s material things, our attitude toward God will be that of MANAGER, rather than one of OWNER. We’ll never trust in material things, for God is our only security. God’s contract removes all worry, for He promises to give us strength for every task.8 So we need not pile up riches as the heathen do, but live a simple life of self-denial and gratitude to God.
- Not his real name.
- Exodus 20:3
- Philippians 4:19
- Matthew 11:30
- Exodus 15:26
- 1 Cor. 10:31; 2 Cor. 7:1
- 3 John 2
- Philippians 4:13
- 2 Peter 1:3,4
- Matthew 28:20 (KJV)